Thursday 24 December 2009

Things to remember when you travel

Make sure you have Backpacker Insurance if you are going to be engaging in high risk activities or other Cheap Holiday Insurance

A basic first aid kit with bandages, antiseptic, gauze, alcohol (preferably gel) against foot pain or aches; corticosteroid ointment to soothe possible allergic skin reactions, antidiarrheal; oral antihistamine for allergic reactions generalized, oral rehydration packets (for severe diarrhea and vomiting), dizziness drugs, should suffer from these, eye drops, powder to prevent fungi, nasal decongestants, sunscreen, insect repellent, thermometers and condoms

The first aid kit for your trip will be different depending on the destination to which they lead and the duration of your trip.

The destination you choose for your trip will also be, or not, providing other situations, such as:
Food: Many countries have poor hygiene and sanitary habits other than their own, which is why Ace Universal Assistance and Travel Assistance recommends eating well-cooked vegetables and peeled fruit.

Avoid sauces, salads, undercooked eggs, cream cakes, ice cream and any plant that is in the open.

Nor recommends eating fish, meat and raw or undercooked seafood.

Drinks: With respect to water and other beverages, Universal Assistance and Travel Assistance Ace suggests aware that, as with food, many diseases (mainly the stomach and intestines) are transmitted through drink or contaminated water.

You should only take boiled water or mineral drinkable and juices or soft drinks and bottled closed.

Hot drinks like tea, coffee and wines, genuinely steamed.

Hygiene: It is worth noting the importance of avoiding swimming in canals, lakes and rivers as well as ingestion of ice.

We recommend not brushing your teeth with water from the faucet when water is not potable, and if not, should be resorted to the use of mineral water.

In case your trip was to a destination with sea, it is important to be careful bites and stings of some fish or poisonous jellyfish, as well as coral reefs or because they may cause allergic reactions or dermatitis.

These are some precautions and advice Universal Assistance and Travel Assistance Ace recommends that you take into account, so be careful and be safe on your trip abroad.

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